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Weekly Update 4


Dear Donateurs, Companen and Friends, will you also be joining us at the grand unveiling in November?

Today is the last official day of our crowd-funding among all our Mauritshuis Friends.  We have received so many enthusiastic reactions and are very happy with all the donations, but there’s always room for more! Ultimately, the idea is that this gift is given by all Friends - Donateurs, Companen, Dutch Vrienden and International Friends.

If you haven’t already done so, there is still time to contribute towards this unique gift celebrating 200 years of the Mauritshuis.

After today you will only receive updates on the progress of the chandelier via the monthly Mauritshuis Friends Newsletter (in Dutch) and the International Friends communications.

Earlier we suggested that everyone might like to donate their annual contribution as a one-off extra, but with the proviso that whether more or less, every contribution was (and still is of course), very welcome.

We are planning a festive unveiling in the autumn to which everyone who has contributed to this anniversary gift will be invited. By way of an extra thank you for your donation and to highlight the many friends who have participated, we would like, with your permission, to publish your name on a banner for that special occasion. You will receive an email about this in due course.

One last point that’s worth considering: our fundraising project also allows us all to support this promising Dutch artist, Bibi Smit and gives her a wonderful opportunity to share her work with a large (inter)national audience in the beautiful Mauritshuis!  So, all in all, lots of reasons to contribute.


Donations can be made via account number NL63 ABNA 0519 6660 62 in the name of the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, please mention 'Gift 200 years'.

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